Comenzar consigo pero no desde sí. Lectura de “Pouvoir et Origine” de E. Lévinas


  • Ángel Enrique Garrido-Maturano CONICET-IIGHI


origin, identity, alterity


The article offers a phenomenological and hermeneutical analysis of the notion of origin and its implications on the basis of Emmanuel Lévinas’ lecture on “Pouvoir et origine” (1949). Firstly, it shows how the relationship with the alterity of the origin, understood as position and nutrient, constitutes the concrete ontological condition for the identity of the subject. This concerns ontology of what is given, which differs from the ontology of power and converges with an ethical conception of subjectivity. Secondly, the article interprets the appropriation of identity not as an act of conquering but rather as an act of gratitude, which is consummated  the phenomenon of fecundity. Finally, the fundamental meaning that the notion of creation and the condition of creature has for a phenomenology of origin is explained.


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How to Cite

Garrido-Maturano, Ángel E. (2018). Comenzar consigo pero no desde sí. Lectura de “Pouvoir et Origine” de E. Lévinas. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, 1(46), 53–68. Retrieved from


