Vicente Fatone: el juego a lo divino


  • Jonathan Georgalis UBA


Vicente Fatone, Philosophy, negation


The thought of Vicente Fatone is unfairly neglected among the intellectual studies of our country. The causes, as well as the depth of his thinking, perhaps lie in the formal difficulties that are intrinsic to his work, together with the fact that he was not affiliated with any orthodox philosophical school. His interests and productions covered the study of a wide range of subjects, including the critical analysis of a wide variety of philosophies and thinkers. Among his fundamental interests, one can distinguish cognitive, logical, anthropological-existential, and ethical-religious topics, the Eastern philosophy –which he knew in-depth– and the fundamental issue of mysticism. In this paper we will discuss three important works of Fatone, which cover many of these representative issues; that would allow us to delineate his particular existential and philosophical positioning with some precision. Our thesis is that there is a systematic key of conceptual articulation, whose explanatory basis lies in the concept of denial, every time it will allow it to reconcile the mystic with the logic, identify what is essential for the freedom of man, characterize the divine nature and delimit the open ways to the encounter of man with God.


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How to Cite

Georgalis, J. (2018). Vicente Fatone: el juego a lo divino. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, 1(46), 69–85. Retrieved from


