Lenguaje racional universal versus “calculus ratiocinator”. ¿Se aplica esta distinción a Leibniz?
Leibniz, Logic, CalculusAbstract
This paper deals with the issues about whether Frege’s distinction or difference between lingua universalis (or lingua characterica in wording of Frege) and calculus ratiocinator can be truly ascribed to Leibniz. The conclusion of our present analysis is that this difference cannot be maintained from a terminological point of view, because Leibniz uses the expressions “characteristica universalis” and “calculus ratiocinator” in a way that, even though they are not necessarily identical, they are at least very close to each other. Notwithstanding, this difference can be maintained from a conceptual point of view, that is, when we put aside terminological problems. In fact, when we consider the diverse ways in which Leibniz defines the task of this characteristic as an instrument of thought, it becomes clear that a difference between a universal characteristic and a general characteristic must be postulated. Thus, the universal characteristic corresponds more or less to what Frege calls “lingua rationalis” or “lingua characterica”, while the general characteristic pertains to the domain of what Frege said about a “calculus ratiocinator”, although in Leibniz’s conception it reaches beyond the scope of a mere calculus that is devised as a formalism to help us make inferences.
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