Cartografía filosófico-política del ciberespacio: posturas extremas y moderadas
Cyber-Politics, Governance, IdeologiesAbstract
Information and communication technologies present new challenges for political theory and philosophy due to its large-scale and scope transformations. Their demands are refl ected in institutional needs that cover a “cyber-political” space, i.e., a cluster of problems of the governance of the network of networks –Internet– that results in the formation of new institutions –e.g.ICANN. The question I try to answer here is: What characterizes cyberspace political discourses? The proposed hypothesis is that it is possible to interpret the varied cyber-political positions from their relation with the actors that dispute cyberspace regulation. Taking this relationship as an Archimedean point, I distinguish between extreme positions –cyber-conservatism and cyber-libertarianism– and moderate positions –cyber-liberalism and cyber-socialism. Through the investigation of the works of the main proponents of each position (Goldsmith, Wu, Bar-low, Assange, Lessig, Barbrook and Filby) I try to show the modifi cations in the traditional political positions after the incorporation of the prefi x “cyber” and also, to highlight the benefits of the moderate positions over the extreme ones.
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