La tragedia y el drama: Concepciones del tiempo en W. Benjamin


  • Camila Arbuet Osuna CONICET – UNER


Benjamin, Tragedy, Drama


In this paper we aim to show how Walter Benjamin’s conceptions of time were built in his work on two different temporal experiences: tragedy and drama. Benjamin’s analysis of these ideas leads to a philosophy of time that differs from the philosophy of his-tory, essentially, by its rejection of totality (origin, end, historic rationality). The author appeals to such philosophy of time in order to explain the modern crisis in the transmission of experience, turning tragedy into the key to the intelligibility of the human as the last redoubt of meaning within its ap-parent meaninglessness.


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How to Cite

Arbuet Osuna, C. (2019). La tragedia y el drama: Concepciones del tiempo en W. Benjamin. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (42), 51–63. Retrieved from


