Mímesis y pólis: sobre el silencio de Aristóteles y el gesto político de su Poética


  • Mariana Castillo Merlo UNComahue – CONICET


Aristotle, Mimesis, Polis


The aim of this paper is to review the relationship between mímesis and polis from Aristotle’s Poetics. First, I will deal with the arguments that were raised around the silences of this work and that would lead to an eventual apoliticity. Against this position, I will try to show that in the Poetics, Aristotle suggests a political gestureas he emphasized the mimetic learning, which implies consequences for life in the polis.


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How to Cite

Castillo Merlo, M. (2019). Mímesis y pólis: sobre el silencio de Aristóteles y el gesto político de su Poética. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (42), 83–104. Retrieved from https://revistas.uns.edu.ar/csf/article/view/1547


