Continuidad y divergencia entre Bakunin y Nietzsche. Anarquismo y radicalismo aristocrático


  • Federico Giorgini UNMdP – AAIE – CONICET


Nietzsche, Bakunin, Aristocracy


The paper discusses those views that, like Vanessa Lemm’s (2013), aim to consider Nietzsche’s philosophy as revolutionary, emancipatory, or even inside the anarchist tradition. It compares Nietzsche with Bakunin and tries to state the infl uence of the anarchist thinker on the German one. It concludes that, besides certain political and anthropological conceptions, this influence was not decisive. Nietzsche was neither an anarchist nor pretended to develop that tradition; he merely adopted certain Bakunin’s views that converged with his own radical aristocratic perspective. 


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How to Cite

Giorgini, F. (2019). Continuidad y divergencia entre Bakunin y Nietzsche. Anarquismo y radicalismo aristocrático. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (42), 121–141. Retrieved from


