La puesta en escena del espíritu. Sujeto del devenir en Bergson


  • Facundo Sebastián Jorge Universidad Nacional del Sur


Subject of becoming, Durée, Bergson


To reconstruct the notion of subject in Bergson’s philosophy, we will fi rst develop the concept of time as qualitative duration (durée) and not from the point of view of space, that is to say, from a quantitative point of view. How to access to the aforementioned duration that is the tissue itself of the reality? Through the philosophical intuition that is possible because of the synergy between instinct and intelligence. This will be the second step of this investigation. Thirdly, we will develop the concept of élan vital as an explosive force that crosses everything alive. After that, the body as a result of the introduction of élan vital in the matter. In this instance, the free movements of élan vital are ordered from structures and sensomotor centers that regulate the activity. The subject reaches cross-roads: on the one hand, movement like an impulse without any purpose, on the other, limitation and habit that lead him to automatism putting his freedom at risk. These sides compose the subject of becoming in Bergson’s philosophy.


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Deleuze, Gilles (1984), La imagen-movimiento. Estudios sobre cine I, Barcelona, Paidós.

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Lapoujade, David (2011), Potencias del tiempo. Versiones de Bergson, Buenos Aires, Cactus.

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice (1964), Signos, Barcelona, Seix Barral, S.A.

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Yankélévitch, Vladimir (1962), Bergson, Xalapa, Universidad Veracruzana.

How to Cite

Jorge, F. S. (2019). La puesta en escena del espíritu. Sujeto del devenir en Bergson. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (42), 143–160. Retrieved from


