La Encyclopédie: lecturas y controversias. Consideraciones acerca de la interpretación de Jonathan Israel


  • Esteban Ponce UNL-CONICET


Encyclopédie, Diderot, Israel


In this paper we address some problems related to the hermeneutics of the Encyclopédie. In the first part, after examining a reading submitted by F. Kafker, we briefl y explain a recent thesis held by J. Israel with the aim of measuring its scope and limitations. In the second part, besides offering new arguments that would support that thesis, mainly linked to the relationship between Diderot and d’Alembert and their functions as codirectors of the work, we include several interpretations given by these specialists in the very last years in the analysis. Finally, following a proposal by Y. Citton on spinozism, we identify some controversial aspects of Israel’s thesis.


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How to Cite

Ponce, E. (2019). La Encyclopédie: lecturas y controversias. Consideraciones acerca de la interpretación de Jonathan Israel. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (42), 161–172. Retrieved from


