La comunidad monádica y el fenómeno erótico: dos propuestas de intersubjetividad


  • Jonatan Gabriel Rossodivito Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


intersubjectivity, ego, lover


In the Fifth Cartesian Meditation, Husserl analyzes how alterity is founded on the transcendental ego, showing its character derived from a fundamental egological instance. Although, the study of the manuscripts has shed more light on the Husserlian proposal, revealing the foundation of intentionality in the genetic and generative dimensions, the radicalization of intersubjectivity occurs in the phenomenological movement known as “nouvelle phénoménologie”, Jean-Luc Marion being its most emblematic representative today. By analyzing the “erotic phenomenon”, Marion shows that the subject is reduced to the figure of the beloved, since it is received from the other one, from the lover.


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Husserl, Edmund (1996), Meditaciones cartesianas, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Marion, Jean-Luc (2005), El fenómeno erótico, Buenos Aires, El cuenco de plata.

----- (2011), Reducción y donación, Buenos Aires, Prometeo.

Cabrera, Celia (2013), “Intersubjetividad a priori y empatía”, Ideas y Valores, vol. 62, n° 152, pp. 71-93.

Inverso, Hernán (2018), Fenomenología de lo Inaparente, Buenos Aires, Prometeo.

Rizo-Patrón, Rosemary Jane (2012), “Horizontes de descentramiento y excedencia. Tiempo, intersubjetividad, generatividad”, Acta fenomenológica latinoamericana, vol. IV, pp. 381-395, [disponible en].

How to Cite

Rossodivito, J. G. (2022). La comunidad monádica y el fenómeno erótico: dos propuestas de intersubjetividad. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (48), 12–28. Retrieved from


