Ontología del software: contra la teoría de la realizabilidad múltiple


  • Matías Nicolás Cristini Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


multiple realizability, software, ontology


In this work, we carry out an analysis of the ontological condition of digital objects. To do so, we develop a four-moment argumentative exposition. First, we present Blanco and Berti’s (2016) theory about the multiple realizability of software. Second, we propose a problematic scenario for which the theory in question appears to be insufficient as an explanatory input. Third, we consider two possible counter-arguments: the first one relies on Bootz’s (2011) procedural model of communication and the second one, on the problematic link between physical entities and models. Finally, we show how these counter-arguments are ill founded and we propose a theory of physical-digital identity, as well as a replacement of the concept of associated digital medium in favor of that of technological equipment to explain the relational character of the ontology of digital objects.


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How to Cite

Cristini, M. N. (2022). Ontología del software: contra la teoría de la realizabilidad múltiple. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (49), 102–120. Retrieved from https://revistas.uns.edu.ar/csf/article/view/3770


