La analogía de la manufactura en el Leviatán de Hobbes a la luz de la interpretación arendtiana: continuidades y rupturas


  • Diana Paula Fuhr Departamento de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional del Sur


Hobbes, Arendt, manufacturing analogy


Throughout the history of philosophy, different images were used to conceptualize the State and politics. Analysis and appropriation change according to authors and historical ages. The purpose of this research is to approach the Hobbesian State’s image as a “machine”, “automation”, “artificial man”, that we call “manufacturing analogy”, in the light of Hannah Arendt’s interpretation and critic. First, we will present how Arendt articulates Hobbesian State’s image as a machine to bourgeoisie and imperialism and its political implications. Then, we will analyze how Hobbes conceptualizes State starting from the image of “automation” or “artificial man” in the Leviathan in both levels: internal and international in relation with the organic image. Finally, we will indicate continuities and ruptures between Arendt’s interpretation and Hobbesian references.


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How to Cite

Fuhr, D. P. (2022). La analogía de la manufactura en el Leviatán de Hobbes a la luz de la interpretación arendtiana: continuidades y rupturas. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (50), 51–71. Retrieved from


