Reflexiones sobre el ciberespacio a partir de las heterotopías de Michel Foucault


  • Fernando Beresñak CONICET – UBA, FSOC, IIGG


cyberspace, heterotopia, Foucault


The article aims to reflect on cyberspace. The basis of our work will be the spatial analysis that Michel Foucault carried out between 1966 and 1967 in relation to the concepts of utopia and heterotopia. Initially, the paper will make use of the “Preface” of the book The order of things. However, the focus of the reflection will be deployed on what the French philosopher offers in the radio conference entitled Heterotopias as well as in the article Of other spaces.

Nevertheless, the idea that governs our work is not to reach a conclusion about the status of cyberspace. On the contrary, the purpose of this analysis is to account for the vast and complex number of variables that need to be taken into account, in order to adequately evaluate its way of being, functions and implications (all of them, tasks that will have to be developed in the coming times).


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How to Cite

Beresñak, F. . (2023). Reflexiones sobre el ciberespacio a partir de las heterotopías de Michel Foucault. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (51), 41–59. Retrieved from


