Hegel y el nihilismo budista


  • Santiago Maneiro Departamento de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional del Sur - CONICET


Hegel, buddhism, nothingness


The purpose of this article is to address the nihilistic nature of Buddhism in the Hegelian conception. Our hypothesis is the following: although there is some ambiguity in his considerations about this religion, the nihilistic elements that Hegel seems to identify in Buddhism are strictly based on its relationship with nothingness, a concept that alludes to a return of the individual to the divine substance, indeterminate and ineffable. Nothingness, identical to being, constitutes another denomination for God. In this way, first of all, we will proceed to analyze the concept of religion and its position in history in order to understand the particularities of Buddhism; and, secondly, we will study the references to this religion and its relationship with nothingness.


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How to Cite

Maneiro, S. . (2023). Hegel y el nihilismo budista. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (51), 119–136. Retrieved from https://revistas.uns.edu.ar/csf/article/view/4280


