Witches between Tough and Weak Guys: Film Noir and the Crisis of the Action-Image





film noir, crisis of the action-image, patriarchal organization of capitalism


Silvia Federici (2004) has developed the thesis that the witch-hunt was the main action carried out to establish the patriarchal organization of capitalism with a new gender division of labour. The nuclear family was then a central device for the success of this productive model and, at the same time, for the double mystification of women’s work (“They say it is love. We say it is unwaged work”) and of the subjection of the wage worker in industrial capitalism under the form of formal freedom. Some of the most recurrent characters of film noir are the femme fatale, the homosocial and misogynistic detective and the ordinary man who wants to escape the gray everyday life. I will try to show that the coexistence of these characters, together with “a certain perspective of the world, a pessimistic, cynical or nihilistic perspective” (Grob, 2008: 9), not only make up a new sensitivity, but are also a testimony of the values crisis of Modernity and faith in progress. This new noire modality presents a world of condemnation and dreamers that is consistent with the crisis or exhaustion of the action-image (Deleuze, 1984; 1987).


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How to Cite

Setton, R. (2024). Witches between Tough and Weak Guys: Film Noir and the Crisis of the Action-Image. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (53), 53–77. https://doi.org/10.52292/csf5320244763


