Memoria y subjetividad en el andar zapatista


  • Mario Bravo Soria UNAM


Memory, Subjectivity, Zapatismo


This paper aims to elucidate the importance of subjective trench into the political struggle of the Zapatista movement, particularly in the work that the social-political actor held back-to-speech from the collective past of the native peoples in Mexico in order to rewrite pieces of the history of this country. We present the hypothesis that the Zapatistas established ruptures in social subjectivity, since his speech appealed to the memory of a nation, which (apparently) had forgotten to indigenous subjects for centuries. I assume also that the Zapatista bet to regain collective past and rewrite history, presents the possibility of building (other) future as indigenous subjects and non-Indians, before that stage, redefine its role within society, generating a series of political and subjective, which would imagine, think and make another world possible.


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How to Cite

Soria, M. B. (2019). Memoria y subjetividad en el andar zapatista. Cuadernos Del Sur Historia, (41), 59–76. Retrieved from


