Recuerdo literario en el papiro Westcar. Algunas consideraciones sobre el faraón como hijo de Ra


  • Leila Salem UNLP/ IdIHCS- CONICET


Son of Ra, Westcar Papyrus, Memory


The Pharaoh as a “son of Ra” was not in Ancient Egypt only an expression which some pharaohs came within a framework of representation of its origin, but it came to be instituted in the Old Kingdom as the fifth Royal title of Pharaoh, sA ra. The purpose of this article is to analyze the gradual development of the relationship of the king as son of the god Ra in the context of an increasingly solarized royalty. We hope to understand the formation of literary memory mythically expressed in the last two Westcar Papyrus stories as part of a context of transition that settles Pharaoh as the Son of God Ra.


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How to Cite

Salem, L. (2019). Recuerdo literario en el papiro Westcar. Algunas consideraciones sobre el faraón como hijo de Ra. Cuadernos Del Sur Historia, (41), 77–102. Retrieved from


