Oscuro es todo esto. Y sin embargo… hay, el aún


  • Franca Maccioni UNC - CONICET


Giannuzzi, image, luminescence, mourning, History


In this paper we propose to explore the poetry of J. O Giannuzzi in an attempt to describe how it presents a threshold between the affi rmation “dark it’s all this” and the assertion that “however” we still sing-write to affirm what exists. In so doing, we will focus on areas where this way of writing exposes, at the same time, a thought of darkness and luminescence in his own poetics opening the dimension of the even so.


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How to Cite

Maccioni, F. (2019). Oscuro es todo esto. Y sin embargo… hay, el aún. Cuadernos Del Sur Letras, (44/45), 115–129. Retrieved from https://revistas.uns.edu.ar/csl/article/view/1432


