Las literaturas marginales y su predicación sobre los márgenes sociales. Algunos ejemplos en la literatura cordobesa


  • Mariana Valle UNC – CONICET


literature, subordination, testimonial stories


In this article we question the notions that defi ne the literary fi eld and we wonder about the possibility of finding an authentic place of expression for subordinate voices. In this sense, we base the article on Beverley’s (1992) reflections and apply them to a corpus of Córdoba authors who claim to state from the periphery, and a series of written and oral testimonies collected in the Creative Writing Workshop that was hosted in “Padre Hurtado” day-care center (for homeless people). What is Literature? Is there a “literature of the poor” or should we talk about a plot that continually draws on the contributions of the “illiterate” of marginalized populations? What is the place of aesthetics in the case of these testimonial forms? These and other questions prompted this essay.


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How to Cite

Valle, M. (2019). Las literaturas marginales y su predicación sobre los márgenes sociales. Algunos ejemplos en la literatura cordobesa. Cuadernos Del Sur Letras, (44/45), 253–272. Retrieved from


