Dictaduras, narrativa y sexualidad disidente: un enfoque comparatístico de la literatura de la memoria queer


  • Facundo Saxe IdIHCS-FAHCE – UNLP


Memory, Queer, Argentine, Germany


The “queer lives” (Butler, 2009), that lifes that can`t be “mourned” become “queer victims” inside a system that excludes and silences the “abjects” sexualities. In the historical context of the second world war and the 70`s dictatorship in Latin America, these “queer victims” are elided fellows, that are silenced or forgotten by the canon and historical memory. This work seeks to establish continuities, similarities and differences in the fictionalization of LGBTIQ situation in the Latin American dictatorships and the Nazi regime respectively, through fictions that function as paradigmatic examples about the treatment of the subject in recent cultural texts. We will work around the formation of rioplatense ́s queer literature and the fictional expression of extermination situations of queer individuals.



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How to Cite

Saxe, F. (2019). Dictaduras, narrativa y sexualidad disidente: un enfoque comparatístico de la literatura de la memoria queer. Cuadernos Del Sur Letras, (42), 265–276. Retrieved from https://revistas.uns.edu.ar/csl/article/view/1584


