Las Intercenales de Leon Battista Alberti y la crítica al saber humanista


  • Mariana Sverlij Universidad de Buenos Aires – CONICET


Intercenales, Alberti, Humanism


According to Bacchelliand D’Ascia (2003), as from the title selected, the Intercenales byLeon Battista Alberti (2003) evidences “the intimate link between culture andsodalitas (brotherhood), a refi ned conversation circle where human stultitia (stupidity) provides sources of laughter, as opposed to the public and oratorical dimension common to the Ciceronian tradition” (2003: XXVIII). Having considered the wide and versatile Albertanian work, in this paper we will analyze the dialogues “The Writer” (“Scriptor”), “The Oracle” (“Oraculum”), “The Misfortune” (“Erumna”), and “The Deceased” (“Defunctus”), which are included in the Intercenales. The latter unveils the concept of an unfortunate intellectual who builds up individually and socially ineffi cient knowledge. Thus, ifthe underlying model in the thought of humanists such as L. Bruniis that of Cicero ́s and his ideal union of an intellectual and a man devoted to the vicissitudes of the republic, a solitary intellectual who is the victim of his own social and familiar surroundings is displayed in the Intercenales.


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How to Cite

Sverlij, M. (2019). Las Intercenales de Leon Battista Alberti y la crítica al saber humanista. Cuadernos Del Sur Letras, 1(47), 31–46. Retrieved from


