Poéticas del malestar. Lectura y escritura intervenidas en María Salgado y Ana Inés López


  • Falvia Vanesa Garione Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


poéticas del malestar, especificidad, experimentación


We propose a critical reading about the artistic productions of María Salgado and Ana Inés López. These can be defined as an art of poetry of discomfort, as they question and problematize the concept of “literature”, both from the Poiesis (way of doing) and the Aisthesis (way of being). In this way, both construct a differentiated artistic practice, based on certain unease and discomfort that is manifested in different modes of intervention of the poetic object and its supposed intrinsic “specificity”. In the case of María Salgado, the proposal is achieved by means of experimentation with music and its performative dimension; as for Ana Inés López, she works her poetic writing through platforms linked to the Internet. The central idea of both poets is to alter the textual forms by virtue of different types of media and support, which generates textual objects that undermine the “static” and the “finished” of the poem and the support of the book.


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How to Cite

Garione, F. V. (2020). Poéticas del malestar. Lectura y escritura intervenidas en María Salgado y Ana Inés López. Cuadernos Del Sur Letras, (48), 17–28. Retrieved from https://revistas.uns.edu.ar/csl/article/view/2272


