El aura lírica. Juan L. Ortiz


  • Nancy Fernández CONICET-UNMdP


Poetry, Form, Subject


In this work I try to analyze the main guidelines of the poetic writing of Juan L. Ortiz. From this perspective, I analyze the singular form (backbone of poetry) of constructing a system of enunciation, from the author’s image and his personal myth, to the procedures that investigate the way to question a cosmic and religious vision, in the sense of the humble vision that examines nature as the common good for women and men.


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Carrera, Arturo (1993), Nacen los otros, Rosario, Beatriz Viterbo.

Didi Huberman, Georges (1997), Lo que vemos, lo que nos mira, Buenos Aires, Manantial.

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Kamenszain, Tamara (2000), “Juan L. Ortiz: la lírica entre comillas”, en Historias de amor (y otros ensayos sobre poesía), Buenos Aires, Paidós, pp. 181-187.

Saer, Juan José (1991), “Primavera”, en El río sin orillas, Buenos Aires, Alianza, pp. 207-250.

Urondo, Francisco (4 de julio de 1971), “Juan L. Ortiz: el poeta que ignoraron”, La Opinión, p. 4.

Veiravé, Alfredo (1984), Juan L. Ortiz. La experiencia poética, Buenos Aires, Ediciones Carlos Lohlé.

How to Cite

Fernández, N. (2021). El aura lírica. Juan L. Ortiz. Cuadernos Del Sur Letras, (49), 63–73. Retrieved from https://revistas.uns.edu.ar/csl/article/view/2765


