El adulterio en las obras Rojo y negro de Stendhal y Ana Karenina de Tolstoi a través del concepto de injusticia epistémica


  • Mara Ferreyra UNMdP




epistemic injustice, hermeneutic injustice, adultery


This article aims to review the classical books Rojo y Negro by Stendhal and Ana Karenina by Tolstoi, through the concept of epistemic injustice, worked by the philosopher Miranda Fricker, and including in turn some concepts of Simone De Beauvoir. The purpose of this article is to observe the female figure, and to understand adultery as an act of affirmation and knowledge of being a woman.


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De Beauvoir, Simone (2015), El segundo Sexo, Buenos Aires, DeBolsillo.

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How to Cite

Ferreyra, M. . (2023). El adulterio en las obras Rojo y negro de Stendhal y Ana Karenina de Tolstoi a través del concepto de injusticia epistémica. Cuadernos Del Sur Letras, (53), 23–33. https://doi.org/10.52292/csl5320234501


