A multimodal approach to foster learning opportunities and semiotic work in Higher Education





Higher Education, multimodal assembles, semiotic chains


The deployment of multimodal pedagogical resources, traditionally used by teachers from different disciplines, is enriched by the Social Semiotics theory, which coincides with the socio-historical pedagogical approach in the conception of human beings as semiotic beings. From this perspective, this work intends to contribute to the pedagogical toolbox of Higher Education teachers. Thus, basic notions of Social Semiotics and multimodality strengthen teachers’ pedagogical intentionality when designing multimodal resources for the class. In turn, this enhanced pedagogical clarity will result in the ultimate goal of educational practice: the enrichment of students' learning experiences. The article presents a brief synthesis of the Grammar of Visual Design (Kress and Van Leeuwen, 2006/2021) and investigates in particular the pedagogical contribution of three types of images classified by representational meanings: narrative images, conceptual classificatory images, and conceptual symbolic images. Through three examples of Higher Education and Upper Secondary Education classes, it will be shown how pedagogically intended multimodal ensembles and semiotic chains enrich the learning experiences of students.


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How to Cite

Flores, L., & Manghi, D. (2024). A multimodal approach to foster learning opportunities and semiotic work in Higher Education. Cuadernos Del Sur Letras, (54), 87–110. https://doi.org/10.52292/csl5420244677


