On the economic thought of trade practices and policies in Kenya





History of economic thought, trade reforms, Kenya


This study explains trade regimes in Kenya from a History of Economic Thought (HET) perspective using secondary materials (books, papers, and original manuscripts). We found that the pre-colonial era (before 1895) had a mixture of Classical doctrines and Mercantilism, whereby long-distance and barter trade between communities were practiced. Nonetheless, certain communities restricted trade. Classical economic thought was practiced in the colonial period (1895-1962), whereby agricultural produce was exported and less expensive consumables were imported. The post-colonial period started with a Mercantilism approach (Importsubstitution), but successive regimes have promoted Classical doctrines of trade by reducing import and export barriers and creating trade-promotion institutions. Trade in services, which is topical in international trade, has also been promoted in this regime.


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Como Citar

Majune, S. K., & Mwania, D. K. (2021). On the economic thought of trade practices and policies in Kenya. Estudios económicos, 38(77), 187–205. https://doi.org/10.52292/j.estudecon.2021.2256



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