Evaluation of cultural services for recreation and tourism of the beach ecosystem in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina
Cultural ecosystem services, Beaches, Tourism, Mar del PlataAbstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate the cultural ecosystem service of recreation and tourism in the beaches of the north of Mar del Plata in two historical moments, before and after the upgrading of the coastal defense structures. The geomorphologic changes produced during the period were evaluated and the cultural services provided by two beaches in 2003 and 2018 were studied. Thirty seven (37) indicators were grouped into five (5) categories including all their variables (condition,
function, intermediate service, benefit and impact). The study showed that the beaches registered a significant increase in their capacity to provide ecosystem services for recreation and tourism, and that such improvement is due to the expansion of the beach usable area as a consequence of the coastal defense upgrading. The most outstanding differences between both beaches are linked to the maintenance and improvement tasks carried out at the franchised beach. The results show the need for sustainable management of the beaches by the Government so that all public beaches maintain and improve their capacity to provide services.
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