Assessment of daily temperature and rainfall events in a semi-arid region of Argentina


  • Federico Ferrelli Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía (IADO), Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS)- Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Argentina.


Southwest of Buenos Aires province, Daily thermal and rainfall indices, Trends


The aim of this study was to analyze and quantify the trend of daily tempera- ture and rainfall events occurring in the southwest of Buenos Aires province (Argentina). Therefore, meteorological information from twelve stations belong- ing to Servicio Meteorológico Nacional and Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria for the period 1960-2017 was studied. Firstly, quality and homoge- neity tests were carried out, and subsequently, filling techniques were applied to complete the missing information. Afterwards, twenty-five daily climatic indices were calculated considering maximum and minimum temperature, and rainfall data, which allowed the analysis of the short-term climate variability. The trends were calculated using a linear regression together with the Mann-Kendall test and quantified with the Sen estimator. The results helped to establish that the study area presents a spatial heterogeneity of rainfall, being the south the area exposed to higher aridity conditions. The thermal indexes presented a positive trend, up to 0.6ºC and their spatial distribution was homogenous. However, it was found that in the north the minimum temperature decreased significantly (1.2 ºC). Given that the studied area is a region where the main economic activity is rain-fed crops, to know the tendency of these events is essential to frame the sustainable manage- ment plans of the territory in order to improve the quality of the population’s living conditions and preserve the environment.


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How to Cite

Ferrelli, F. (2019). Assessment of daily temperature and rainfall events in a semi-arid region of Argentina. Revista Universitaria De Geografía, 28(2), 87–107. Retrieved from


