Del Dios inadvertido. Una aproximación al pensamiento crítico


  • Sergio Espinosa Proa Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas


Critical theory, Modernity, Messianism


In critical theory, the unknown breaks the specularity of knowledge and suspends or repeals demands for recognition. There is criticism because the world is broken. Criticism is often cryptic: even if it seems clear, it is carried out in the atmosphere of a relatively twisted rhetoric. Now, that the world never ceases to close, met in its prom-ised specularity, is it the glory of men, or a fatal destiny which they would al-ways try to escape from? This question condenses much of the journey, the situation and the infl ections of critical thinking. For critical thinking, what it is isn’t everything. To think –that which is possible to fi nd not only in the great philosophy, but also and above all in the great art– is, in essence, to ignore the present. The critique is a critique of the present, questioning and challenging of the “what it is”. Criticism supposes and is held on a displacement. And a shift presupposes, in a more or less overt and more or less risky way, a loss of balance. In all criticism there exists, besides some initiatory excitement, a factor of vertigo and nausea. An explosive bond is established between criticism and alienation.


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How to Cite

Proa, S. E. (2019). Del Dios inadvertido. Una aproximación al pensamiento crítico. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (43/44), 107–125. Retrieved from


