Injusticia testimonial. Aportes de la micro-fenomenología en la entrevista médica


  • Catalina Barrio Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


testimony, disease, micro-phenomenology


This paper aims to address the experience of the disease in the first person, in relation to the testimony. The hypothesis presented here maintains that in the doctor/patient relationship, the discourse operates under prejudices that lead to a certain interpretation of who transmits a disease. In this sense, the micro-phenomenology as a philosophical method allows us to investigate the structure of the experience of the disease, understood as that which is transmitted by the patient and that has to be understood by the doctor. Following Miranda Fricker, the epistemic criterion that underlies this doctor/patient relationship is loaded with collective prejudices in tension with the particular experience that, through testimony, is carried out. In this way, the patient’s place of vulnerability and the doctor’s credibility schemes, act as preconceived concepts that lead to a certain interpretation of the lived experience.


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How to Cite

Barrio, C. (2022). Injusticia testimonial. Aportes de la micro-fenomenología en la entrevista médica. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (48), 96–110. Retrieved from


