Naturalism in The Swamp: notes for thinking the role of the body in the cinema of sensations of Lucrecia Martel




La Ciénaga (Lucrecia Martel), body experience, naturalism


In this article, I intend to offer a problematic view on naturalism in La Ciénaga (2001) by focalizing on the body experience proposed by Martel as a common thread. My main hypothesis is two-sided: on the first hand, body experience at La Ciénaga is inseparable from a certain treatment of sound, which has a predominant role regarding the visual, and which can be expressed on Kratje’s concept of gendered atmospheres (2019). On the second hand, to thoroughly acknowledge each kind of body’s singularity and the problem of its heterochronism from a social point of view, it is necessary to introduce a certain Bergsonism usually disregarded on Martel, which is expressed on a community of problems with the French philosopher rather than a conceptual bondage. In this respect, I propose that the interpretation of naturalism offered by Gilles Deleuze in La imagen-movimiento (2013) only acknowledges partially the specificity of La Ciénaga, and that the sound design presents an autonomous structure of thought which requires more conceptual precision. Nevertheless, it is certain that the contrast with its categories will allow understanding to what extent the body experience proposed by the cinema of sensations of Martel, successes in quitting this naturalistic scheme.


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How to Cite

Podhorzer, N. (2024). Naturalism in The Swamp: notes for thinking the role of the body in the cinema of sensations of Lucrecia Martel . Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (53), 78–94.


