Suspended heterotopia, or the (affective) power of the future in Fordlandia Malaise, by Susana de Sousa Dias


  • Paula Scheinkopf Universidad de Buenos Aires



Fordlandia, future, affects


In the mid-length film Fordlandia Malaise (2019), Susana de Sousa Dias portrays the failure of colonialist and extractivist utopia in the abandoned city of Fordlandia, situated on the banks of the Tapajós River in the Amazon. Through the use of images from the official Ford company archive, as well as overhead shots that map the city’s present, the documentary recounts the devastating experience that the installation of that rubber factory in the heart of the Amazon jungle, meant for the local inhabitants. In a landscape suspended halfway between its tropical nature and the industrial project, what forms of future are possible to envision? What possibilities of tomorrow are constructed in the suspended heterotopic space of Fordlandia? This work aims to reflect on these questions, through two main modes of affection emerging from the stories of women and children exposed in the film: melancholy and hope. In the testimonies of those “fragile” memories, the traces of the past and its ruins seem to nest, but also those of the future of possibilities, allowing the projection of new horizons of life in Fordlandia.


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How to Cite

Scheinkopf, P. (2024). Suspended heterotopia, or the (affective) power of the future in Fordlandia Malaise, by Susana de Sousa Dias. Cuadernos Del Sur Filosofía, (53), 110–126.


