La primera voz femenina del colonialismo italiano a la luz del concepto de interseccionalidad: revisitando Tre anni in Eritrea (1901) de Rosalia Pianavia-Vivaldi Bossiner
women’s history, Italian colonialism, travel storiesAbstract
This article approaches the book Tre Anni in Eritrea (1901) by Rosalia Pianavia Vivaldi Bossiner, first travel stories published by a woman in Italy, from the perspective of intersectionality, paying attention to the ways in which the author portrayed native otherness. Her work narrates her experiences and her appreciations of Eritrean space and society during her stay in Asmara between 1893 y 1896, while her husband, Colonel Domenico Pianavia-Vivaldi, was in service.
Even though both the author and her work have not been unattended by specific studies, those have not approached them through the lens of intersectionality, which we consider very useful in order to comprehend the shades that were characteristic of her position in the writing context. Thus, her aristocratic origin, her higher position in colonial hierarchy, her nationalism and eurocentrism, and her femininity intertwine through the chapters that recount her experiences in a context characterized by the presence of Italian military and settlers, and indigenous men and women.
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