El papel de las imágenes en la divulgación científica infantil. El caso de los “libros científicamente divertidos”


  • Daniela Palmucci Universidad Nacional del Sur


scientific popularization for children, multimodality, caricature


Among the numerous available publications on scientific topics for children, there are visually appealing books. It is diffi cult to understand them without linking words and images in the reading process. The images go beyond the illustrative purpose itself setting a discursive organization characterized by the coexistence of different modes of representation with their own meaning potential. Kress and van Leeuwen (2001) use the concept of multimodality to describe this discursive configuration.

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role of visual mode to convey meaning in multimodal science books for children. We explore the construction of a perspective on the objects of the represented world as well as the way in which the reader learns and acquires knowledge through images. Bearing this in mind, we study extracts from a series of multimodal books meant for primary school children. The analysis is based on the Systemic-Functional Theory and Social Semiotics of visual mode.


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How to Cite

Palmucci, D. (2019). El papel de las imágenes en la divulgación científica infantil. El caso de los “libros científicamente divertidos”. Cuadernos Del Sur Letras, (44/45), 153–173. Retrieved from https://revistas.uns.edu.ar/csl/article/view/1434


