La inmanencia del lenguaje: de la inclusión genérica al agenciamiento de la alteridad, el deseo y la micropolítica


  • Rolando Javier Bonato Universidad Nacional del Comahue


language, politics, ideology


Language has been a matter of strong public controversy throughout modernity and, in general, it has been clung to successive agendas related to reflecting on the ideal or model language of a speaking community. In that sense, every model of language has reproduced, in most cases, the ideology of the dominant classes and, since the XIX century, the result of these disputes has been massively spread by the education system and the erudite institutions such as language academies. The mass use and controversial issue that occurred with the socalled inclusive language in our country has crossed diverse age and social sectors as a way of political and ideological intervention of language. The significance of these changes points out the revealing of semantic and morphosyntactic aspects which go beyond the mere dispute over grammatical genre and gender identity. In this paper we will examine, firstly, arguments in favor of and against this way of articulating language, and we will emphasize the difficulties that the linguistic field has tried to address. Secondly, we will present intellectuals who provide critical perspectives that allow us to reflect on this use of language from a political and ideological positioning.


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How to Cite

Bonato, R. J. (2019). La inmanencia del lenguaje: de la inclusión genérica al agenciamiento de la alteridad, el deseo y la micropolítica. Cuadernos Del Sur Letras, 2(47), 183–192. Retrieved from


