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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or simultaneously submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to Editor)
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • The text is A5 formatted and does not exceed 30 pages. The appendix is sent in separate files.
  • The cover page is sent in a separate file, and it contains the names of all authors, their complete institutional dependence, title, and abstract in two languages.
  • The article complies with confidentiality guidelines and is anonymized.
  • The DOI (digital object identifier) is provided for reference when is possible.
  • The Declaration of originality signed by all the authors is sent.

Author Guidelines

1. Politics

Papers submitted to be published in Estudios económicos must be unpublished. Their contents are the sole responsibility of their authors. The journal receives preprints and working papers from institutional repositories and academic networks. After passing through a preliminary evaluation stage, all the manuscripts are sent to two external referees selected according to their expertise on the topic of each article. The evaluation process is a triple-blind system. The decisions of the Editorial Board are final. The accepted original will then go through an instance of review of style and bibliographic reference standards. It is recommended to read the Policies of the Journal since the submission represents the acceptance of that. If errors are found in any of the articles, the publication of errata is accepted.

2. Submissions

Sending the work can be done electronically. A short CV of the author/s and the Declaration of Originality should be sent together with the paper. In this declaration, each author describes his/her contribution according to the CRediT Taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy). For a definition of each contributor role, please refer to this link:

3. Confidentiality

To ensure confidentiality and the triple-blind system during the evaluation process:

  • The article must be sent in two files separated: The first must be the body of the article, and the second file, the cover. The cover should include the following data: title, author's name and surname, institutional affiliation, ORCID code, and e-mail.
  • In the body of the article, all the information that may reveal the author's identity should be highlighted with color so that the Editorial Board can identify and replace it with the corresponding legend before sending it to the referees.
  • The file corresponding to the body of work must be anonymized.

4. Guidelines for paper submission

We now relax the formatting requirements for new submissions making simple the submission process. We adopt Your Paper Your Way (YPYW).

You will be requested to put your paper in the correct format and to change the citation style only when your paper is accepted for publication.

Nonetheless, authors may find the following helpful: (i) Papers can be written in Spanish, Portuguese, or English.
(ii) Submissions should be no longer than 30 pages for Articles, longer than 15 pages for Notes and Comments, and longer than five pages for Book Reviews. (iii) Page size should be A5.

The accepted original should observe the following presentation guidelines:

- Font Times New Roman 12, single spacing and indenting the first line, narrow margin (2 cm all the margins).

- Title in English and Spanish, or English and Portuguese.

- Abstract in English and Spanish with e maximum length of 120 words, font Times New Roman 10, which shall include three to five keywords and Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification. The abstract should contain the motivation or the question the paper answers, the theoretical framework assumed, the methodology employed, the main result and the conclusion.

- Footnotes should be numbered consecutively, in font Times New Roman 9, with single line spacing.

- Do not use bold type in any case; to highlight the text, use cursive or italic letters.

- No page numbers must be inserted.

- For numerical or statistical notation, decimals are put with a point and not a comma, with two decimal places being sufficient.

- The main title must be centralized, with capital letters. The titles Introduction and Conclusions must be centralized, in capital letters, and unnumbered. The titles within the body of the work must be centralized, in capital letters, indicating Roman numerals (I, II, etc.). The subtitles should be located in the left margin of the page, beginning with the Roman section number followed by the number of the corresponding subsection (II.1., etc.). Only will be capitalized the first letter.

-Tables and figures must be inserted in the text and include information about the units in which amounts are expressed and the sources of information. Titles of tables and figures should not be placed inside them. They must appear above them, centrally located. Notes and sources should be placed under figures and tables, using Times New Roman 9 and single spacing. Bold should not be used. To allow edition, tables should not be inserted as images. 

-The appendix/ces should be located before the references according to the relative numbers. If there are several appendices, they should appear as sub-ordinates by the letters A, B, etc. Equations, tables, and figures in the appendices must be numbered with the appendix letter, followed by consecutive numbers.

5. Quotes and references

The Editorial Board of the journal Estudios económicos has decided that the articles should follow the APA rules in their quotes and bibliographic references. To include the quotes should indicate the following:

- Every reference cited in the text must appear in the reference list.

- If the sentence includes the author's surname, only the date in parentheses. If the author is not included in the sentence, the name and the date are in parentheses.

- If the work has one or two authors, both names are mentioned in every case.

- When it has three to five authors, on subsequent mentions only the first author is followed by the phrase et al. without emphasis.

- If more than six authors use et al., from the first mention.


De Rus et al. (2003, p. 4) establecen que un elemento clave para analizar las actividades de transporte lo constituye la existencia de un input fundamental, necesario para la producción de servicios.

Format citations:  

- Direct Quote: If the quote is less than 40 words: Enclose it in quotes. At the end of the appointment, the author, year, and page or paragraph number are added between parentheses where the material is not numbered.


Las economías mixtas tienen que “definir constantemente las fronteras entre las actividades públicas y las privadas, lo que hace que el estudio de la economía del sector público de los países occidentales sea tan importante e interesante” (Stiglitz, 1986, p. 16).

- If the event is more than 40 words, the text is written in blocks, without quotes, on a separate line, indented ½ inch.


El ciclo de precios del período comprendido entre 2004 y 2009 puso en evidencia la ineficiencia de los actuales regímenes fiscales mineros para asegurar una participación progresiva del Estado en la renta minera durante los períodos de auge de precios. (Comisión Económica para América Latina [CEPAL], 2001, p. 30)

- Paraphrase: When paraphrases or ideas are alluded to in other work, it is recommended to indicate the page or paragraph if the text were taken where it is widespread.


Durante el año 2000, tanto la Argentina como Bolivia aumentan su producción de gas natural y esto se debe a la creciente demanda de la red de gasoductos que conforman los países de Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile y Uruguay (Comisión Económica para América Latina [CEPAL], 2001, p. 17, párr. 1).

Bibliographic references: By including bibliographic references at the end of the paper, indicate the following:

- In the second line of each entry in the reference list, use the hanging indent on the left margin (½ inch or 5-7 characters).

- Use only the first letter of the author’s name, not the complete name.

- Use the ", & " to quote works with multiple authors. 

- If the document has less than seven authors mention them all; separate them with a comma and precede the last author with the & symbol. If the article has eight or more authors, list the first six, add a comma followed by three points, and add the last author.

- When an author appears both as a sole author and, in another citation, as the first author of a group, first place entries as a single author.

- If you cite several articles by the same author and published in the same year, the distinction between them will be using letters. Examples: 2004a, 2004b.

- If the reference list includes two or more of the same author, list it in chronological order beginning with the most recent.

Complete book. Please, provide the DOI (digital object identifier) when available. 

Last Name’s autor/s, N. (year). Title: subtitle. Place of publication: Publisher.

Chapter of the book. Please, provide the DOI (digital object identifier) when available. 

Author/s ‘s last name/s, A. A. (year). Title of the chapter. In author/s A. A. last name/s. Title of the book (pp. xxx-xxx). Place of publication: Publisher.

Books edited, compiled, or coordinated Unsigned. Please, provide the DOI (digital object identifier) when available. 

Last Name/s, A. A. (Ed/s) (Comp/s) (Coord/s). Title of the book. Place of publication: Publisher.

Behrman, J., & Srinivasan, T. N. (Eds.). (1995). Handbook of development economics. Amsterdam: Elsevier-North Holland.

Review, review articles. Please, provide the DOI (digital object identifier) when available. 

Last Name/s’ Author/s, A. A. (year). Title of the article, Title of the review, volume (Number) pages.

Baldick, R., Grant, R., & Kahn, E. (2004). Theory and applications of linear supply function equilibrium in electricity markets. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 25(2), 143-167.

Printed Working Paper

Last Name/s’ Author/s, A. A. (year). Title. Institutional name, Working Paper No. xxx.

Electronic Documents. For electronic versions of paper-based offer inclusive pages (xx-xxx) of that Article. Please, provide the DOI (digital object identifier) when available.

No additional information is necessary to identify or locate the content when the DOI is used.

Provide the URL of the journal or the book if you have not appointed a DOI to the content. Do not add a point after an email address. Delete the hyperlink in the reference.

Online articles with DOI:

Last Name/s’ Author/s, & Last Name/s, A. A. (year).Title of the article. Title of the Review, Vol (Nº) pages. doi: xxxxxxx

Ozkaya, A. (2014). Creative accounting practices and measurement methods: Evidence from Turkey. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 8(2014-29), 1-27. Recuperado de

Online article without DOI:

Last Name/s’ Author/s, A. A. (year). Title of the article, Title of the Review, Volume (No.), pages. Retrieve from: http://www.xxxxxxx

Working Paper Online:

Last Name/s’ Author/s, A. A. (year). Title. Institution name, Working Paper No. xxx. Retrieve from http://www.xxxxxxx

Gasparini, L., Santos, M.E.& Tornarolli, L. (2021) Poverty in Latin America. (CEDLAS Working Paper No. 264). Recuperado de

6. APA standards must be followed for the numerical or statistical notation. Here are some examples:

- Decimals are put with a point and not with a comma. For example, it is not worth 4'38 or 4,38 but 4.38. Two decimals are sufficient.
- Any number at the beginning of a sentence is written with words and not with numbers.


This section includes scientific works that have not been totally or partially published in another medium nor in the process of being published. These works can be elaborated using any type of scientific methodology and primary and / or secondary data.

Notes and Comments

This section includes papers whose topic is relevant to the scientific community but which do not reach the character of articles. However, they must comply with the requirements established for the submission of papers. They can have a reflective or thematic review character.

Book Reviews

This section includes book reviews on economic topics, published the last year. The reviews should reflect the importance of the topic addressed, the adequacy of the methodology used, the contribution to knowledge of the topic and the usefulness that it presents to researchers or professionals in the social sciences. The reviews will be evaluated by the Editorial Board.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used only for the stated purposes and will not be passed on to third parties or used for any other purpose.