Brief news

  • We have updated the website, added more statistics and improved the user experience.
  • During July, Estud. econ. has been included in several academic and search tools: Journalytics of Cabell’s International (USA), Omni (Canada), CLASE (Mexico), and fatcat!, a project of the Internet Archive (USA).
  • We received the notification that Estud. econ. will be included in SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online, Brazil). The inclusion process will take some time.
  • Estud. econ. adopted the ANSI/NISO standard for contributor roles taxonomy, CRediT. See our Submissions policy for details.
  • It is planned to renew the Publication Advances service in the next few days. The objective is to accelerate the circulation of accepted articles, but without changing to a continuous publication system.
  • Submissions are now open. Please visit our Submissions page for more information.