Dynamics and determinants of the Latin American economic integration process


  • Luis Marcelo Florensa Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Laura Márquez-Ramos Universitat Jaume I
  • María Luisa Recalde Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Pedro Gabriel Degiovanni Universidad Nacional de Córdoba




International Trade, Economic integration agreements, Political and institucional factors, Latin America


This paper studies the dynamics of the economic integration process in Latin America and analyzes its determinants in different points of time during 1962-2009. A discrete choice model is estimated, in which the dependent variable is the existence of an integration agreement between two countries, while the explanatory variables are classified into economic, geographic, political and institutional factors. The main findings show that economic and geographical factors are important in explaining why countries sign trade integration agreements, although this importance is time sensitive. In addition, results suggest that poltical and institutional factors play an important role in integration strategies.


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How to Cite

Florensa, L. M., Márquez-Ramos, L., Recalde, M. L., & Degiovanni, P. G. (2018). Dynamics and determinants of the Latin American economic integration process. Estudios económicos, 35(70), 5–26. https://doi.org/10.52292/j.estudecon.2018.1095


