Is an index for the ongoing bancarization possible for Argentina? An spatial approach for Córdoba, Entre Ríos and Santa Fe


  • Fernando García Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



banking index, georeferenced data, MULTISPATI, principal components analysis


This paper constructs a Banking Index (BI) for the central area of Argentina using georeferenced data appliying MULTISPATI methodology. The results show that
the selected spatial components exhibit a better visualization of the spatial variability. This study constitutes a significant methodological contribution insofar
as it introduces into the BI compute the restriction given by the spatial patterns underlying the data. The BI reveals a heterogeneous level of banking within the
main area of Argentina.


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How to Cite

García, F. (2018). Is an index for the ongoing bancarization possible for Argentina? An spatial approach for Córdoba, Entre Ríos and Santa Fe. Estudios económicos, 35(70), 57–77.


