Women in history of economic thought: Economics, literature and rhetoric in Marcet and McCloskey





Pioneer women in economics, Jane Marcet, Feminist economics, Economic thought


History of Economic Thought traditionally relegated women and their contributions to a marginal place since the awakening of Economics as an autonomous discipline. The present paper goes against this trend, recovering the remarkable trajectory of one of the pioneer female economist, Jane Marcet (1769-1858), and contrasting her writings with the possibilities of doing “good economics” from different approaches, including Literature. This rescue takes place through McCloskey’s recommendations regarding the rhetoric in economics and the author’s affirmation that “Economics is Literature”.


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How to Cite

Bohn, L., & Magno Fernandez, B. P. . (2022). Women in history of economic thought: Economics, literature and rhetoric in Marcet and McCloskey. Estudios económicos, 40(80), 105–129. https://doi.org/10.52292/j.estudecon.2023.3333


