Between reforms and deficits: Twenty years of the social security system in Brazil




Social security system, Rural regime, Urban regime, Bounds testing, ARDL


This article analyzed the sustainability of the Brazilian social security system between January 2003 and June 2022 through autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) models. The cointegration analysis shows that, despite the deficits, the long-term relationships between revenues and expenditures are maintained for the General Social Security Regime, also disaggregating between the urban and rural regimes. The short-term analysis measured by error correction mechanisms (ECM) indicate that the adjustment dynamics to the long-term path is too slow: less than 5% of the shocks return to the long-term trend in the first month in all models. This may be behind the consecutive deficits presented by the General Social Security Regime in recent decades.


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How to Cite

Salomão, B. A. (2024). Between reforms and deficits: Twenty years of the social security system in Brazil. Estudios económicos, 41(83), 183–210.


