Fiscal rule and anticyclical fund based on GDP and commodity prices in a federal country




Fiscal policy, countercyclical fund, business cycle, commodity prices


A  fiscal rule is proposed for Argentina, where national public spending is determined according to the structural public revenue of the nation, complying with a structural fiscal balance goal, as is done in Chile. Based on the rule, a countercyclical fund is established, which must take into account fiscal federalism, since Argentina is a federal country with centralized resource collection. Structural revenues, which arise from adjusting tax collections for the cycles of GDP and commodity prices, allow estimating potential savings for the period 1998-2018. With a fiscal rule, significant savings could have been achieved to soften the economic cycle and reduce dependence on international credit, thereby promoting a sustainable fiscal policy.


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How to Cite

Granado, M. J. (2025). Fiscal rule and anticyclical fund based on GDP and commodity prices in a federal country. Estudios económicos, 42(84), 211–243.


