"Models as signs" as "good economic models"


  • Ricardo F. Crespo IAE - CONICET




economic models, theory of signs, causality


This paper applies John Poinsot’s doctrine about signs to the evaluation of “good economic models”. First, a “good model” is defined. Then, Poinsot’s conceptual framework and some current ideas about models are introduced. Third, the paper shows how Poinsot’s and ideas about models can be combined. The conclusion is that a good model raises possible causes of the phenomena under examination, which should be then empirically verified.


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How to Cite

Crespo, R. F. (2012). "Models as signs" as "good economic models". Estudios económicos, 29(58), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.52292/j.estudecon.2012.766


