Trans-pacific-partnership: el complejo camino del acuerdo del siglo XXI


  • Rodrigo Cuevas Universidad de Chile



regional trade agreements, negotiating process, trade blocs, free trade


This paper research the most important negotiation process of Regional Trade Agreements (RTA) that has been developing actually, which one could take effect in how RTA would be negotiated in the future. From the analyzing of the specifics characteristics of this case, in the context of a explosive increment of RTA and the stagnation of talks in multilateral system it will argue that the main consequence of a successful end of the current negotiation process would be the creation of Free Trade Area designed in the terms of US interest.


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Index of Economic Freedom.

Regional Trade Agreements Information System (RTA-IS), World Trade Organization (Australia). Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Recuperado de

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Brunei. Recuperado de

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Canadá. Recuperado de

Office of the United States Trade Representative. EE.UU. Recuperado de

Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Japan. Recuperado de

Ministry of International Trade and Industry. Malasia. Recuperado de

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Singapore FTA. Singapur. Recuperado de

Ministry of Industry and Trade. Vietnam. Recuperado de

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How to Cite

Cuevas, R. (2014). Trans-pacific-partnership: el complejo camino del acuerdo del siglo XXI. Estudios económicos, 31(63), 25–56.


