Analysis of the funding sources provided by the Stock Exchange of a country with an emerging economy: their use by companies of an intermediate city


  • Darwin Fabricio Torres Chávez universidad del Azuay
  • Ximena Moscoso Serrano universidad del Azuay
  • Marco Antonio Piedra Aguilera Universidad del Azuay



Stock Exchange, funding sources, emerging economies, Ecuador


The Stock Exchange (SE) is an institution that allows companies in general to obtain fresh resources to finance their activities. The financing mechanisms provided by the SE are the least used by the organizations in Ecuador. In this paper, it is analyzed the participation of companies located in Cuenca (the third city of Ecuador) in the stock market as well as the effects of the financing mechanisms on their financial statements. The financial statements were obtained from the website of the Superintendency of Companies, Securities and Insurance through its Document Portal. Results show that the participation of companies from Cuenca in this market is very limited, though the use of these mechanisms is extremely positive in financial terms.


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How to Cite

Torres Chávez, D. F., Moscoso Serrano, X., & Piedra Aguilera, M. A. (2019). Analysis of the funding sources provided by the Stock Exchange of a country with an emerging economy: their use by companies of an intermediate city. Escritos Contables Y De Administración, 10(1), 71–95.



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