Integrity programs in the argentine capital market: status of situation as of 2020




integrity programs, codes of ethics, transparency lines, capital markets, Argentina


The objective of this work is to know the current situation in the implementation of integrity programs, codes of ethics and reporting and transparency lines in companies in the Argentine capital market. For this, a descriptive and quantitative study of the information contained in the institutional websites of 200 companies was carried out. The data arising from the survey carried out shows that the disclosure of integrity programs and anti-corruption policies is low (22%) and that there is more information on their codes of ethics and conduct (49.5%) and hotlines (28%). Considering that it is essential for interested parties to have complete and complete information, we understand that it is from the website of each entity the route with the greatest possibilities of dissemination. The data produced by the survey show that in Argentina it is necessary to increase the levels of transparency of information in listed entities.


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How to Cite

Panario Centeno, M. M., & D¨ Onofrio, P. A. (2021). Integrity programs in the argentine capital market: status of situation as of 2020. Escritos Contables Y De Administración, 12(2), 99–117.



Artículos de investigación científica