Drug consumption progression and stepping stone effect: Evidence for Argentina


  • María Inés Lara Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
  • Monserrat Serio Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
  • María Noelia Garbero Universidad Nacional de Cuyo




Stepping stone, Gateway, Drugs consumption, Argentina


The objective of this paper is to study, for Argentina, the progression in the consumption of drugs that begins with the consumption of legal drugs, such as tobacco and alcohol, and advances to the consumption of marijuana, cocaine, and other illicit drugs. The relation between the consumption of alcohol and tobacco and their age initiation and the probability of consuming marijuana are estimated including propensity and access characteristics. Furthermore, the relationship between marijuana use and its age of onset with the consumption of other drugs is studied. Data from ENPreCoSP of 2011 is used. The results obtained are consistent with the staggering theory. The consumption of legal drugs and their early use have a positive relationship with the probability of consuming marijuana, and also the consumption of marijuana shows the same relationship with the probability of consuming other illicit drugs.


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How to Cite

Lara, M. I., Serio, M., & Garbero, M. N. (2019). Drug consumption progression and stepping stone effect: Evidence for Argentina. Estudios económicos, 36(73), 5–42. https://doi.org/10.52292/j.estudecon.2019.1331


