Parental transmissions of education for workers and poverty in Brazil




Educational legacy, Poverty, Parental transmission


This article aimed to analyze empirically the parental transmission of education to workers employed in the labor market according to the socioeconomic status in Brazil. For this, Logit models were applied based on microdata from the 2014 Brazilian Household Sample Survey. The intergenerational reproduction of education for Brazilian workers and the heterogeneity between socioeconomic positions were validated. Among the poor, there is intergenerational persistence of lower education and low educational upward mobility between generations. On the other hand, among the non-poor, this parental maintenance of educational level is in high schooling. The parents' primary occupation and living in urban areas reduce the chances of reproducing the parents' educational legacy, while they increase for women, white people and those residing in developed regions. The results confirmed that the educational persistence for low-educated workers, greater for the poor, feeds the cycle of poverty and supports the maintenance of historical inequalities in the country.


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How to Cite

Rogério Gomes, M., Silva Cunha, M., & de Cassia Inforzato de Souza, S. (2023). Parental transmissions of education for workers and poverty in Brazil. Estudios económicos, 40(81), 163–190.


