Study of efficiency and information transmission for agricultural futures markets: a comparative analysis between Buenos Aires and Chicago using monthly and daily data


  • Jeremías Lachman Universidad de Buenos Aires. CONICET.
  • Pablo Jack Universidad de Buenos Aires. CONICET.



Vector Error Correction Model, Efficient Market Hypothesis, Agricultural Finance


This paper aims to study and compare the efficiency in futures markets for soybean crop between Buenos Aires (MATBA) and Chicago (CME–CBOT) for the years 1994 through 2015. There are numerous studies that analyze this phenomenon independently, but few of them have done a comparative analysis between marke- ts. Therefore, the main objective of this research — in addition to individually analyzing the efficiency in futures market in each country — is to be able to detect the existence of a relationship between the two markets. In this article we show that, in addition for market efficiency in all cases, market efficiency in MatBa was derived from the efficiency in CME–CBOT. This means that relevant information is transmitted from the Chicago market to the one in Buenos Aires. By using a cointegration approach based on Johansen (1995) we estimated the models with monthly and daily data.


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How to Cite

Lachman, J., & Jack, P. (2017). Study of efficiency and information transmission for agricultural futures markets: a comparative analysis between Buenos Aires and Chicago using monthly and daily data. Estudios económicos, 34(69), 3–23.


