Los valores y la ética en la ciencia económica


  • Luisa Montuschi UCEMA




value judgements, thics, rationality


In spite of its origins as a branch of moral philosophy there was and there is an uneasy alliance between the economic science and ethics. The mainstream economics, mostly inspired by Milton Friedman advocates uphold a value free positive science. But others prestigious economists hold another viewpoint and support a necessary and more fruitful relationship between ethics and economics. And moral questions arise continuously and it is far-fetched to portrays the economic science as value neutral. Besides it is relevant to inquire if the market economy needs ethical behavior to be sustainable. The concept of rationality relevant for the economics science must depart from the so-called classical model of rationality and adopt a more integrative concept of rationality that entails means and ends. 


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How to Cite

Montuschi, L. (2008). Los valores y la ética en la ciencia económica. Estudios económicos, 25(51), 73–96. https://doi.org/10.52292/j.estudecon.2008.800


